What if our check hasn't arrived yet?

There are several ways to ensure that your payments from Cocatalyst arrive quickly and error-free.

Tips to avoid errors

Consider adopting ACH payments for fast and secure payments from Cocatalyst by signing up for a Bill.com account. Cocatalyst is a Bill.com charitable partner, which streamlines our accounts payable to organizations. 

Next, ensure the IRS has your latest address. We refresh the IRS database every quarter, but if your charity recently changed its mailing address, consider emailing us to verify we have it on our end.

Finally, make sure that any suites, boxes, or special instructions are following standard USPS letter address conventions. A small missing suite number can cause unnecessary trouble.

Check is already mailed

If your charity has already been sent a check from Cocatalyst, but hasn't received it by mail within 2 weeks, there are several options:

If the check is returned to us by the postal service, we can reissue a new one to an updated address. This covers our mailing costs. Checks that are returned can be stopped and then resent within one week. Finally, all unused funds are returned to us by Bill.com within 90 days. 

We charged fees by our disbursement system for certain operations:

Check resistance: $2.49

Stop payment: $24.95

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